Why Support Us

Looking to the future and driven by a mission to increase the number of parks and greenspace, the FHCPI board invites individuals and businesses to engage in our vision of a community rich in parks, trails and natural areas. According to the Indiana Department of Natural Resource’s “Supply of Outdoor Recreation Acreage”, there should be 20 acres of locally owned and operated public outdoor recreation acres per 1000 people. Hamilton County has a shortfall, with development and population growing at a faster pace.

Evidence indicates that greater exposure to, or contact with natural environments (such as parks and woodlands) is associated with better mental and physical health and well being. The FHCPI seeks solutions to growing and expanding our outdoor green space to address the mental and physical health of residents and visitors to Hamilton County.

As a donor to the FHCP, you are helping ensure our parks are the great parks we deserve and our access to green space continues to grow. The board and staff of FHCP work to identify projects that require urgent attention and meet the needs of all. We invite you to join us in making progress for the good of our community… Have questions? Contact us at 463-246-5286, or email at execdir@friendshcp.org.