Friends of Hamilton
County Parks

Active People, Healthy Hamilton County Criteria Application for Hamilton County Municipalities

Application Process and Timeline

The application deadline is August 1, 2024. The actual details of the proposed community grants will be reviewed and voted on by a panel of The Friends of Hamilton County and select outside experts.

  • Please contact the Executive Director ( or The External Affairs Co-Committee Chair ( should you need to discuss the proposed project and current deadlines.
  • Design an effective and creative marketing program for the project that includes the partnership with FHCPI.
  • Email the completed grant application to the executive director:
  • Please include the following in your Application Package:
    • Completed application form
    • Site Location maps (i.e. local Community, City/Town, State)
    • If additional partners are involved, commitment letters that describe each partner’s role, responsibility and contribution to the project (Illustrating a range of support from other agencies and assistance programs on a regional, state or federal level).
    • A list of optional supplemental information that can broaden our understanding of your project ( e.g. general research from Indiana or national agencies/partners, media coverage, maps, project photos, links, or AI websites).
    • Project start time
    • How will FHCPI be visibly and permanently recognized in the project?

Grant Project Selection Criteria

  • The project is expected to accomplish noticeable results that promote active, healthy and outdoor recreation and programming in the near future (2024-25).
  • Please list the roles, responsibilities, and potential project partners and make sure their roles are well defined and significant.
  • Please provide personnel and other in-kind resources necessary for the project’s development and implementation during the grant’s program.
  • List evidence of Hamilton County community need and support for the project.
  • The project fits within Active People, Healthy Hamilton County criteria and is sustainable. Local communities can support Active People, Healthy Hamilton County by implementing 1 (or more) of 7 evidence-based strategies recommended by CDC to increase physical activity across sectors and settings;
    • Building active and walkable communities can help increase levels of retail economic activity and employment, increase property values, support neighborhood revitalization, and reduce health care costs.
    • Walkable communities can improve traffic safety for people who walk, ride bicycles, and drive.
    • Individual effort alone is insufficient to improve opportunities for people to be physically active and significant policy, systems, and environmental changes are needed to support and protect individual efforts to make healthier choices.
    • The Hamilton County municipality recognizes its ability to expand achievable, measurable, and sustainable efforts to increase physical activity across the community by supporting Active People, Healthy Nation strategies.
    • It is important to ensure that long-time residents have the opportunity to benefit from increased community investment and that community improvement projects do not result in community displacement.
    • Reducing barriers in access to safe and equitable public spaces for people of color to be physically active is important to addressing existing health disparities.
    • Every Active People, Healthy Nation strategy can be designed to support the goal of equitable and inclusive access to opportunities for physical activity.
  • The plan for visible acknowledgement of FHCPI.
  • If your City/Town has a Park Foundation and this is a park’s project, the Park Foundation must provide a match to FHCPI’s $50,000 grant.
Will there be Cost Share Partners?
Is this an existing project that will be enhanced or a new project?

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.   

If this application leads to my project being selected, I understand that false or misleading information in the application may result in being disqualified for the grant.