Park Street District Decorative Crosswalks
Westfield’s Park Street District and Grand Junction Plaza have transformed downtown Westfield and made the area a bustling walkable downtown district filled with activity. Community events, new restaurants, a new library, and increased development have all increased foot traffic in the Park Street District. Now, Westfield is looking for unique and colorful ways to make the walking routes to and from the numerous destinations within the District safer. The City of Westfield would use the Active People Healthy Hamilton County Grant funds to begin piloting its Decorative Crosswalk program in the District.
Fitness Court®
The City of Fishers is focusing on expanding efforts to support an active culture of health. In order to create more accessible outdoor means of physical exercise and recreation, the City of Fishers has proposed the building of a Fitness Court®. Fitness Court® is for adults of all ages and abilities, fully accessible, and home to premiere outdoor fitness classes and training programs. A publicFitness Court® would allow large groups to workout together and motivate one another, creating a culture of wellness. The City of Fishers would use the Active People Healthy Hamilton County Grant to begin building a Fitness Court® in a location that will be easily accessible and visible by residents, preferably along a trail or within a Fishers Parks footprint.